Sustainability & Economic Empowerment Organ

Mission: SHEROES Shop serves as a micro enterprise makerspace that incubates women-led entrepreneurial ventures and employment while providing training services and featuring fair-trade products grown and sourced on the African Continent and in regions represented by the Global African SHEROES Union.

The SHEROES Shop is focused on being a vital hub for facilitating trade amongst African women in a sustainable manner. We provide equal opportunities for women to partner, develop and market their products in an environment that allows them to thrive.

Advocacy Goals:

The women we serve are taught basic financial literacy, entrepreneurial skills, health/wellness and fair-trade principles rooted in our budding curriculum methodology referred to as “Heal, Glow, Grow” (in partnership with Institution of Financial Unity).
By providing equal opportunities for African women to partner, develop and learn to market their products in an environment free from Afrophobia and other barriers to poverty eradication.
Define and develop African-centered wealth creation (in partnership with Institution of Financial Unity).


  • 138 Hse Streett View Washington DC 22545
  • +1 (216) 554-0246

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